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Sonic Message Manager 2.1 released

September 28th, 2009

Version 2.1 of sonic message manager has just been released and it fixes the following bugs and adds a few small extra features:

Depending on your version of Java Web Start, you may or may not get a message requesting you to upgrade. Some versions will download the new version immediately and others will do so in the background and run the new version the next time the application is started. If you have not received the new version after a system reboot, you may need to remove and re-install the application.

This version of Sonic Message Manager is released under the Apache License v2.0, as will all future versions. This license means more freedom to developers wanting to reuse some of the code and allows for more interoperation with other programs and libraries. It also solves the legal issues there used to be with releasing under the GNU GPL. This wasn’t the GPLs fault, it was mine.

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