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With SMM you can easily send messages to a queue or topic. You can do this in different ways, for now the following is supported:
Drag & drop a file onto a queue/topic
Select a file or directory and send to a queue/topic
Type your a message and sent to a queue/topic
Move message between queues/topics by drag & drop
When you drag & drop a message to a queue/topic, you cannot use the extra functionality like sending the same message multiple times or setting JMS properties. To use these extra functionality you must use the "message sender" tab and select a file or type a message.
When you drag or select an xml file, the file will be sent as an XMLMessage. When dragging or selecting any other type of file, it will be send as a TextMessage. BytesMessages are not supported. If you select or drag multiple files, each file will be examined and sent as the appropriate message type for that file.
To send a message to a queue/topic it doesn't matter witch tab (queue browser, topic subscriber or message sender) is selected. Just select the necessary file and drag it to the desired queue or topic and drop the file. You can also drop directories on a queue or topic and all files in that directory will be sent. Sending directories is not recursive so only the files in the top level directory will be sent.
This also works if you select more than one file from disk and drag these files to the queue or topic. All selected files will be sent.