Once you are connected to a Sonic Domain you select the tab "Queue browser" or "Topic subscriber", depending on the whether the messages you want to view are on a queue or are published to a topic. Once on this tab you can select a broker that is available and online in your Sonic Domain. On the queue browser tab, the queues for that broker will be discovered. On the topic subscriber tab, your previously created subscribers (if any) for this broker will be reloaded.
Only the active brokers are shown in SMM (in case of FT brokers, the backup brokers are not shown because they are in standby mode)
If there are messages on a queue or in a topic buffer, the number of messages turns red. You can then select the queue or topic to view the messages.
Once you selected the queue or topic you see on the right the list of messages that are on the queue or in the topic buffer (in this example there is one message on the queue Sample.Q1).
When you select a message you can view all message details in the viewer at the bottom. The refresh button will refresh the entire list of queues and all message counts. The "Clear messages" button will remove all messages from the currently selected queues (you need RECEIVE permissions on the queue before you are allowed to do this).
You can view the properties and the content of the message. The content field also has a simple search function. Click the field to focus it and type some text. If that text appears anywhere in the message, it will be selected.
Hit F3 to search for the next occurrance of the currently selected text. This also works if you select the text manually instead of searching for something. You may also hit CTRL+F to pop up a search dialog if you like.
The "Refresh" button refreshes the message table for the currently selected queue and the "Delete" button will remove the selected messages. You may also press the DELETE key to do the same.