Select a file to send

Select the destination where you would send your message and select the "Send a file" radio button. Use ‘browse' to select your file and press the ‘send' button to send the message. You also can select a directory, this will send all files in that directory.




Number of messages

Minimum value is 1. Changing this number allows you to send the same message multiple times with the same conditions

Delay (ms)

The number of milliseconds to wait between sending messages. This allows for simple performance tests to be done.

JMS Correlation ID

Enter your desired JMScorrelationID here. You may include %i to represent a sequence number. This number will be incremented by 1 for each message sent.

JMS Reply to

Type here the address for ReplyTo. You can also drag & drop a queue from the queue table into this field

Custom JMS properties

If you want to set your own JMS Header properties you can define them here.

The format is PropertyName=PropertyValue separated with a comma (,)