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Thoughts on integrating topics

February 19th, 2008 Comments off

There are several ways to implement topic support in a Sonic MQ client, like the message manager. The most obvious way would be to implement one or two extra tabs for receiving from and sending to topics.

Another approach would be to integrate topic support into the existing view- and send tabs and leverage the, already familiar, functionality in those tabs.

The question remains as to what would be a sensible user interface for either scenario. How would the user indicate a topic to send or listen to? A topic list is not available and adding more buttons or even a pop up menu is quite a horrible solution in my opinion.

I’d like to hear your thoughts on this. Feel free to comment and post screenshots or mockups.


Upcoming features in v1.1

February 19th, 2008 1 comment

The following features are being considered for v1.1:

(#38) Support for the multicast (or pub/sub) JMS domain. This will allow users to publish or subscribe to topics. Message manager should allow these settings to be saved and restored on a per-broker basis.

(#42) Some users have reported that they find it annoying that the Message Manager does not remember the Window size or position on startup and shut down. This will be remedied in version 1.1.

(#56) In v1.0, Xml messages and message parts are already formatted before being presented to the user. In v1.1, the user will have the option of formatting a Text message or part as well.

(#62) The user will be able to select multiple queues at once in order to clear messages or send a single message to multiple queues at the same time.

Post your thoughts and feature requests below.


Sonic Message Manager v1.0 released

February 19th, 2008 3 comments

Sonic message manager version 1.0 has been released to the general public and is available for Web Start at the following locations:

Message Manager for Sonic 6.1, 7.0 or 7.5

No installation needed, only Java 1.5 and Java Web Start have to be installed on your computer. Click one of the above links to start the application.

Features include:

  • Automatically discovers all active brokers in the connected Sonic domain
  • Lists queues on the selected broker to prevent needless typing
  • Delete all message from a queue
  • Deleting messages anywhere on a queue
  • Drag (multiple) messages from one queue to another
  • Send messages by dragging files on to a queue
  • Send one message multiple times
  • Set JMSCorrelationID and JMSReplyTo on outgoing messages
  • Set custom Header Properties on test message
  • Copy/drag a message part to another queue or a program
  • Re-uses connection information from the Sonicâ„¢ Management
  • Displays every part of a multi-part message separately
  • Includes hex-viewer for BytesMessages