
Author Archive

Server troubles today

January 15th, 2009 Comments off

What should have been a simple server upgrade turned out to be quite the nightmare. As a result, this site has been offline for about 8 hours. Some people may have had trouble starting or updating SMM as a result. The trouble has been resolved now and everything should work as advertised.

If something turns out not to work, please e-mail me at gdr at progaia-rsAABBCC dot nl. (remove the upper-case characters from the address, they are for spam protection).


smm-user mailing list off-line

January 5th, 2009 Comments off

Because of some server problems, the smm-user mailinglist is off-line. I still have most of the subscribers on file so I can still send announcements. Because nobody used it, smm-user will not be restarted.


Sonic Message Manager 1.6.2

January 5th, 2009 Comments off

Sonic Message Manager 1.6.2 has been released a few moments ago. This version contains the following fixes and updates:

  • (#102) SMM now only allows a user to “Clear messages” when they can also read from the specified queue. Send permissions are not required because someone who can read from the queue could also just consume all messages if they wanted to remove them.
  • (#103) In some installations of Sonic, the acceptors on the broker are configured using “localhost” as the hostname. SMM will now attempt to resolve the actual hostname of the broker host before connecting to it.
  • (#104) Cancel an in-progress queue browsing when “Clear messages” is clicked to prevent having to wait for the browsing to complete before deleting the messages.