Message Manager is under new management

July 22nd, 2024 Comments off

I’m proud to announce that Message Manager has a new maintainer. My career has taken a different path that doesn’t leave me with enough time or necessity to keep maintaining this application so a new owner was necessary. Stefan Fritz of will be maintaining and enhancing the application in the years to come.

Stefan has been quietly cleaning up and rejuvenating the application over the past few months and has made some much needed improvements:

  • A dark theme, driven by system settings
  • New plugins for Apache Kafka, AWS SQS and more!
  • New update mechanism, removing the need for Java Web Start and improving the update experience
  • Commercial support for those who want it

Message Manager is still open source and will remain that way. Stefan will be offering additional features and options in the open source version and will also offer commercial add-ons over time. Go to to download the new version. 

Please, join me in welcoming Stefan Fritz as the new maintainer of Message Manager.


Message Manager 3.2 released

March 11th, 2020 Comments off

Changes in this version:

  • New code signing certificate, you may have to accept some warnings again to install this version.
  • #52 Automatically create directory if it doesn’t exist when saving multipart messages.
  • Added support for saving JSON payloads

If you are already running version 3.1, your application will automatically upgrade. If not, click run Message Manager 3.2 to download and run the new version.


Message Manager 3.1 released

February 13th, 2018 2 comments

It’s been a while since I released a new version, but here is version 3.1 of Message Manager. It contains the following changes:

  • Support for Solace messaging
  • There is now a search box that allows you search through message headers, properties, message body and all parts of a SonicMQ multi-part message. (#35)
  • There is a Swing Look and Feel selector in the settings tab (requires restart)
  • Fix display of large message sizes in queues table (#22)
  • Added JMSPriority field to message sender

If you are already running version 3.0, your application will automatically upgrade. If not, click run Message Manager 3.1 to download and run the new version.
