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Upcoming features in v1.1

February 19th, 2008

The following features are being considered for v1.1:

(#38) Support for the multicast (or pub/sub) JMS domain. This will allow users to publish or subscribe to topics. Message manager should allow these settings to be saved and restored on a per-broker basis.

(#42) Some users have reported that they find it annoying that the Message Manager does not remember the Window size or position on startup and shut down. This will be remedied in version 1.1.

(#56) In v1.0, Xml messages and message parts are already formatted before being presented to the user. In v1.1, the user will have the option of formatting a Text message or part as well.

(#62) The user will be able to select multiple queues at once in order to clear messages or send a single message to multiple queues at the same time.

Post your thoughts and feature requests below.

  1. February 19th, 2008 at 11:52 | #1

    Great application and works wonderfully. Hope future development lets the user take more control of the messages sent through the bus, including tracking the sent out messages, keeping history of recently sent files, sorting of columns and auto tagging your custom messages.

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