Resolved / New features:
Some tasks (like sending messages) can now be canceled when not blocked by an external cause (like flow control) by clicking the close button.
When sending message, you can now include a sequence number in the correlation id. Enter the %i token anywhere in the correlation id field to replace it with a message number.
The message table now has row numbers to easily see whether all messages on the queue are also in the messages table. This will make it more apparant that you need to refresh the messages table.
Message parts with mime type "application/x-sonicqx-bpheader" are now displayed as text instead of in the bytes message viewer.
The message viewer and editor have gained a search function. Type F3 or CTRL-F to activate it. The message viewer also searches as you type, F3 finds the next match.
The delete key is now a shortcut for the "Delete" button below the messages list.
When a broker has multiple acceptors, the default acceptor is now used.